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Am I Smoke Cleansing Wrong? (No, You’re Not, but Here’s Some Tips.)

The part of herbalism that brings me the most joy is sharing what I know and helping others find their personal practices. A number of the questions people ask me revolve around smoke cleansing, how to do it, and what to use.

Tools vary although the process is relatively similar, but the truth is, 90% of smoke cleansing is intention. You must be personally invested in the process, emotionally committed to the energetic shift, and have the time and space to devote to smoke cleansing.

When you first start smoke cleansing, like many of us, you might set out a dish of herbs to burn or crack open a bottle of a smokeless cleansing blend. This is a great way to get started! Obviously you’ve done a little research, maybe talked to someone about their experience, and invested in a smoke cleansing tool that most resonated with you. After your smoke cleansing ceremony, you’ll be able to feel a shift in the energy of your home (or space you’re smoke cleansing). If you’re feeling like you’ve done a thorough smoke cleansing but the energy still isn’t quite where you hoped it would be, here are a few things to consider:

Being thorough in your smoke cleansing practice is something that takes time and attention but always is worth the full effort. You opened every cabinet, drawer, door, and got into every nook and cranny but again, if you’re feeling like there is some yucky energy still lingering, consider some spots you might have missed:

Looking for some tools to get started with smoke cleansing? Our Smoke Clearing Incense and Reset Button Energy Renewal Spray are wonderful tools to utilize.

Still have questions about smoke cleansing? Leave a comment here, email us, or reach out on Instagram and Facebook.

Happy cleansing!

Note: This post has been updated to remove use of the word smudge in observance of the appropriate use of cultural and religious terms.

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